Brita Large 10 Cup Water Filter Pitcher with Smart Light Filter Reminder and 2 Standard Filtes, Made Without BPA, White (Packaging May Vary) (1512822)
Brita Large 10 Cup Water Filter Pitcher with Smart Light Filter Reminder and 2 Standard Filtes, Made Without BPA, White (Packaging May Vary) (1512822)
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Brand: BRITA
Color: White
- Includes: 10 cup Brita Water Filter Pitcher, 2 Standard Filters
- Champlain water pitcher can hold 10 cups of water
- This space efficient Brita pitcher is fridge friendly
- Brita Filter features an easy-fill lid for refills
- SmartLight pitcher filter life indicator is accurate and precise
model number: 1512822
Part Number: 845993
Details: Drink cleaner*, great tasting tap water with this Brita 10 cup water pitcher that includes a Brita Standard filter. Made without BPA. Only Brita filters are certified to reduce Chlorine (taste and odor), Copper, Mercury and Cadmium in Brita systems**. One Standard filter can replace up to 300 x 500ml plastic bottles. The Brita water pitcher’s flip lid makes refilling a breeze, while the SmartLight indicator is Brita’s most accurate and precise pitcher filter life indicator. This large capacity water pitcher comes with one Standard Water Filter, which should be changed every 151L or about 2 months*** for best results. Start drinking healthier, great tasting water with Brita today. *Cleaner vs. tap water. **Substances reduced may not be in all users’ water. See certifications. Approximate timing based on average family usage and 151L filter life. Healthier based on health contaminant reduction per WQA certifications.
EAN: 0060258507058
Package Dimensions: 10.9 x 10.9 x 6.1 inches
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Якість та безпека ✅
Walfos дотримується стандартів FDA та BPA-free. У нас є суворі процеси контролю якості. Ваша безпека та задоволення є нашими головними пріоритетами.
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